Favorite Visual Storytelling Comics (so far)

We’re almost done with the Visual Storytelling book (whoa, really?), so I thought I’d use this entry to mention some of my favorites.

The Alcoholic
The first favorite story that comes to mind is the Alcoholic – a tale about an alcoholic’s experience on 9/11. Not only does the story hit me right in the feels (I shed a tear or two), but it’s incredibly well-written. The graphics are pleasing, the text is readable, and it uses just the right amount of words. There’s more going on to this man’s life than is directly told, leaving the reader intrigued.

Cecil & Jordan in New York
This quirky story takes an interesting turn when the main character turns into a chair. One can’t help but wonder “what the heck is going on?” at this point. And I loved it. The story seems to have a deeper meaning worth questioning as it explores the somewhat gloomy relationship between Cecil and Jordan.

My Friend Dahmer
It’s hard not to be curious about this one, since it depicts the young life of a serial killer. The author (Derf) tells a story of his own youth, growing up with Dahmer. In some ways, Derf seems to try to show Dahmer as a victim. Though for the most part, you can already see his insanity unfolding.

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