Creative Storytelling Project: Planning in Twine

I think it’ll help to update my creative storytelling project quite often, so here goes!

Right now, Lucas Sharp is really still in the planning phase, though I am using Twine to “rough sketch” the project. I’m creating passages for locations first: specifically, sub-locations in a park (the crime scene of this detective game). Then, I’m building a quick intro to lead into the park’s parking lot, which then leaves the player free to roam the park, investigate the scene, and talk to suspects.

For the narrative itself, I’m still kind of making things up as I go along… Yeah, I know. A big challenge is going to be coming up with a way to introduce the player’s psychic powers (the main fun mechanic of the game!). Ideally, I should introduce this mechanic fairly quickly, within the first act of the game (perhaps at the end of the first act).

I’d like for the first power something simple, not too overpowered, and still fun. My choice for this power is an “empathic psychic” – the ability to “see” a persons emotions through auras (colors). When the player is analyzing the emotions of another character, the background of the screen will change to match that color.

My goal this week is to get a basic outline of the first act – including the intro, crime scene (investigating the body), and a brief introduction of each suspect. I’d also like to include the part where the player gets his powers, so the fun stuff can begin!

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